Design truly is everywhere. It's being pushed to the limits for the "next normal" and the future of work, across industries. When it comes to developing solutions for healthcare, the need for human-centered design is, and will continue to be, paramount.
Ava was approached, alongside George White, CIO of Cantina, by Design Museum Everywhere to provide input around current healthcare deployments, as well as robotics applications that empower people and service design, within healthcare.
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Ranging from hospital to mental health to long term care to telehealth transformation within our own homes, dicsussion centered around the future capabilities and impact of telemedicine. White offered,
"Alexa, HomePod, and Google Home all have health systems built in...There's an opportunity for us to embed telehealth cases right into these systems...We can design our homes to be like transformers, giving them the ability to turn into the care environment we need, when we need it."
Evolving into a larger discussion around telepresence, the design principles around practical teleportation reinforce how robotics offers a unique ability to scale individual human beings in a new, more personal way. Putting human-centered design in action is how robotics goes against the negative stigma of replacing people. Instead, platforms like Ava telepresence, serve, empower, and actually protect people.
"The technology, process, culture, and acceptance will be the flow that brings it all together." - Youssef Saleh, CEO, Ava Robotics