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Ava Robotics

Sasaki, Staying Connected During a Pandemic

Award-winning architecture firm Sasaki deployed two Ava Telepresence robots in their Boston headquarters to empower their workforce and support flexible work policies. Now with COVID-19 travel restrictions, the robots have proved particularly valuable. Sasaki was recently featured in BizNow on their use of Ava Telepresence in the current pandemic. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Award-winning architecture firm Sasaki deployed two Ava Telepresence robots in their Boston headquarters to empower their workforce and support flexible work policies.
Remote worker on Ava collaborates at Sasaki last month

"Leaders at Boston-based architecture firm Sasaki began planning a coronavirus work-from-home strategy in early March, as U.S. public health officials urged Americans to practice social distancing to prevent further spread of the virus. Sasaki has a “business telepresence robot,” named Ava, that allows workers like Chief Technology Officer Holly St. Clair — who was home sick before the outbreak — to connect and move around the office, using the robot as a kind of avatar.

Colleagues on maternity leave in an all-firm mtg in Feb

Sasaki is letting workers use the robot to roam its offices while teleworking during the coronavirus pandemic. “The robots drive around the office and have a screen on top where someone can remotely interact with others in the office,” St. Clair said. “I could just hear conversations in a way you can’t hear when you’re on Slack.”


“While we’re out of the office, if someone wants to check on the space, they can use the robot to walk around,” she said."

Read the entire article on BizNow.

To learn more about how Ava can help your teams, click here.

Images courtesy of Sasaki.

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